Vol. 3 No. 1 (2011): BERT

- Purpose Built Student Accommodation: Changing the face of student accommodation in Sheffield Richard Stevenson and Phil Askham
- Is there possibility of harmonisation: A comparison of UK and german investment valuation practice Melanie Fischer and Phil Askham
- Upward Only Rent Reviews versus Indexation: An investigation into the impact of differing mechanisms upon market efficiency within the commercial real estate sector Caroline Seibel and Tony Cheetham
- An Evaluation of a BREEAM Case Study Project Jack Lowe and Norman Watts
- A Project Management Strategy Based on Sharing the benefits of Incentivised contracts T.D.Clouter
- How is Growth or Decline in the Economy Reflected in Rental Negotiation Outcomes in Prime and Secondary Retail Locations in the North of England? Alan Burkitt and Richard Smith
- Use of Industrial Simulation to facilitate Work Based Skills for Building Surveying Students, an Introduction to the Rationale for Research Simon Mclean
- An Ethical Energy Policy: A Simplified Paradigm on Electricity Pricing and Delivery to Solve Fuel Poverty and Promote Energy Efficient Behaviour John Grant