Built Environment Research Transactions https://studentjournals.shu.ac.uk/index.php/BERT <p>The aim of this publication is to provide an opportunity for SHU students to publish the findings of their undergraduate or postgraduate work.&nbsp;</p> <p>Guidance on publication is given by staff who will also act as second authors.&nbsp;</p> <p>It is hoped that by providing a guided transition into the production of papers that students will be encouraged throughout their future careers to publish further papers.&nbsp;</p> <p>Student papers are welcomed in any field relating to the Built Environment, Building Surveying, Construction Project Management, Quantity Surveying, Real Estate, Planning, Housing, Architecture, Architectural Technology- please contact E.A.Laycock@shu.ac.uk.&nbsp;</p> <p>A template and full guidance notes will be provided on request.</p> Sheffield Hallam University en-US Built Environment Research Transactions 1759-3190